However, what this image doesn't show (and what the image on my stupid phone which won't upload [fuck yooooooou T-Mobile] does show) is the whole extended family immortalised in wool - yes, it also includes patterns for the Queen, Phillip, Harry, Charles, Horseface and even the Corgis! Don't hyperventilate but there's also a customisable pattern so you can knit yourself into the ceremony! Oh. My.
Oh look, here comes the blushing bride and her 'so much potential but you had to be a Royal' husband!

I die. Pre-order yours now as it's not out until March. WHY, Ivy Press, whhhhhhhhhy?
Knit Your Own Royal Wedding, Fiona Goble, Ivy Press, RRP £9.99.
Released 25th March 2011.
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